Ø  Computer Language

Ø  Definition of Computer

Ø  Features of Computer

Ø  IT-Information Technology

Ø  Components computer system

Ø  Drives

Ø  Operating System




Ø  Setting Background

Ø  Screen saver

Ø  Note pad

Ø  File & Folder

Ø  Word pad

Ø  MS Paint

Ø  Search




Ø  Word Processor

Ø  Formatting Text

Ø  Giving Page Border

Ø  Character Spacing

Ø  Making Multiple Columns

Ø  Inserting Word Art

Ø  Making Background

Ø  Change Case

Ø  Drop Cap

Ø  Auto Correct

Ø  Spelling and Grammar Check

Ø  Print Preview

Ø  Converting Table to Text

Ø  Mail Merge

Ø  Header and Footer




Ø  Excel (Spread Sheet)

Ø  Formatting Cell

Ø  Work sheet & book protection

Ø  Alignment

Ø  Merging Cells

Ø  Hyperlink

Ø  Auto series

Ø  Custom List

Ø  Chart

Ø  Comment

Ø  Giving Border

Ø  Custom & Advance Filter

Ø  Subtotal and Grand Total

Ø  Formula -1

Ø  Some common functions

Ø  Pivot table

Ø  Conditional formatting

Ø  Data Validation


Ø  Macro

Ø  Goal seek




Ø  Definition of Power Point

Ø  Inserting new slide

Ø  Making background

Ø  Giving any picture as background

Ø  Arranging Slides

Ø  Applying Design template

Ø  Views

Ø  Slide show

Ø  Custom animation

Ø  Slide transition


        MS –ACCESS


Ø  Step for opening access

Ø  Creating data base

Ø  Table

Ø  Import table

Ø  Setting primary key

Ø  Table relationship

Ø  Giving password to  a database

Ø  Validation rule

Ø  Query

Ø  Select query

Ø  Action query

Ø  SQL view  query

Ø  Cross tab query

Ø  Form wizard

Ø  Report wizard

Ø  Macro

Ø  Module




Ø  Definition of Computer Network

Ø  Advantage of Computer Network

Ø  Types of Topology

Ø  Components for  Establishing

Ø  Twisted pair cable

Ø  Fabre optic cable

Ø  Line of sight transmission

Ø  Network model

Ø  Some common terms in internet

Ø  Website

Ø  Webpage

Ø  Homepage


Ø  Web Browser

Ø  Email

Ø  Steps for Creating Email Account

Ø  File attachment

Ø  Chatting in Yahoo or Rediff.







       â€œC” LANGUAGE


Ø  Introduction of ‘ C’

Ø  Constants, variable &  Data types

Ø  Operators & expression

Ø  Managing Input & Output Operators

Ø  Decision Making  & Branching

Ø  Decision Making & Looping

Ø  Arrays & String

Ø  Function & Pointers

Ø  Structure & Unions


        C++ LANGUAGE


Ø  Introduction on C++

Ø  C++  Programming  Basics

Ø  Functions

Ø  Arrays and  String arrays

Ø  Object  Class