Kensoft Education | Franchise faqs

Franchise FAQs

Franchisee Faq’s

Question: Where can I open a franchisee center?

Anywhere in India, where you get a decent student population

Question: If I take up KENSOFT Education franchisee, what will the initial start up cost and what other costs will be involved?

It will cover a number of items mentioned in the feasibility report, franchise license, total fit-out, and basic training on the courses and operation manuals. Costs vary depending on the site and final cost can be best determined once a location and site is identified, inspected and finalised. KENSOFT Education will provide you with a comprehensive schedule of estimated costs; items such as initial investment, working capital and on-going operating costs are detailed in this schedule. Nonetheless the investment will be to the tune of Rs……………. Lacs (Investment vary from city to city).

Question: What can be the rate of return, which I/We can expect?

On account of confidentiality, we cannot reveal the exact details. However, after the preliminaries and the investigative report, we would be happy to discuss the financial returns in a personal meeting.

Question: What exactly is the KENSOFT Education business model?

The KENSOFT Education franchisee model is based on a traditional franchising approach where KENSOFT Education provides complete know how of all its operating model, teaching methodology, study material, technical expertise, marketing systems, training systems and management methods to the franchisee. It involves the total way of doing business that has been developed by KENSOFT Education over the years.

Question: What assistance and continued support will I receive?

KENSOFT Education is committed to provide every possible support to run your new business successfully. We will be sharing our Brand Name and accompanied Brand Equity with you, so we have our personal interest. Following are the support services provided by KENSOFT Education.

  • Training and continuous development to faculties and key Staff
  • Study material
  • Working model manual
  • Teaching Methodology
  • Marketing and advertisement support in central advertising and promotion and guidelines on local promotional activities.
  • Centralized Examination and Certification process

The above facilities and support will be strictly governed by the terms and conditions as stipulated in the franchisee agreement operating manual.

Question: What if I need assistance with something?

KENSOFT Education has a qualified management support team to assist you with any of your problems you may have. Business Development Manager will visit your center regularly to provide product updates and any assistance you may need. Help is only a phone call away.

Question: Can the franchisee run its own designed courses in addition to the courses for which KENSOFT Education has authorized it?

No franchisee CANNOT run any other courses than the ones that they have contracted with KENSOFT Education.

Question How many hours a day will I need to work?

This largely depends on your style of working and the number of students you can get. The initial six months require more time as in any business. But after six months 8-10 hours daily is sufficient.

Question: Can I take up any other business offer at my KENSOFT Education franchisee centre?

As per the agreement you are not allowed to take any other franchisee offer at same premises. It is against our business policy to do so. We vehemently protect our brand name and it is also in your interest to do so.

Question: What are the prerequisites for KENSOFT Education for a potential franchisee?

We seek the following skills in our potential franchisee

  • Entrepreneurial skill
  • Strong motivation
  • Commitment
  • Sound Financial Background
  • Ability to manage finances

Question: Is any prior experience on the part of the franchisee required?

Not necessarily. However we prefer to have people with some expertise in franchisees, but as we provide full support, we also welcome people with a strong motivation and commitment and who wish to get into a symbiotic and long term relationship with us.

Question: How long will it take to start my business?

Generally 30 to 45 days from signing of franchisee agreement and depending upon site selection and other issues.

Question How many centres can one city have?

The number of centres for a particular city will be decided according to the market size and population. In Metros at the maximum, only 4 centres will be permitted at this point of time. In non-metro cities only two centre will be permitted. However, in metro a franchisee can have license for more than one center but limited to a maximum of 2 centres.