• ·         What is   tally

    ·         History of tally

    ·         Version of tally

    ·         Basics of accounting

    ·         Types of accounts, golden   rules   of  accounting ,

    ·          accounting principles, concepts and conventions.

    ·         Double   entry system of book   keeping  ,

    ·          mode of accounting, financial statements,

    ·          transactions , recording transactions.


    ·         Some common terms in  accounting for beginner-


    ·         Fundamentals of tally. ERP 9

    ·         Getting   functional  with tally  ERP 9

    ·         Opening   tally ERP 9

    ·         Creation / display/alter/delete setting up of company

    ·              in tally . ERP 9

    ·         changing period and date

    ·         Voucher entry in tally. ERP 9

    ·         Accounting voucher

    ·         What is ledger

    ·         Common ledgers and related  groups

    ·         Create/display/alter/delete of ledger and groups

    ·          in single and multiple mode

    ·          Inventory   voucher

    ·         stock groups

    ·         Go downs  / locations

    ·         Units of measure

    ·         Stock items

    ·         (create, display,alter,delete)

    ·         Accounting entries -28 nos

    ·         Special accounting entries-4 nos

    ·         Advanced accounting and inventory in tally .ERP 9

    ·         Alternative unit

    ·         Standard   rate

    ·         Price levels and price lists

    ·         Multiple   currencies

    ·         Order processing (purchase and sales)

    ·         point of sales (pos)-:features, entering pos transactions and reports

    ·         Report showing of transition

    ·         Cost centers and cost categories

    ·         Voucher class and cost center class

    ·         Manufacturing unit/transfer unit

    ·         interest calculation

    ·         Different actual and billed quantities




    ·        GST(GOODS & SERVICE TAX)

    ·       CGST

    ·       SGST

    ·       IGST


    ·         Tax deducted at source(TDS)

    ·         Basic concepts of TDS

    ·         Configuring TDS in tally. ERP 9

    ·         Creating ledger

    ·         Processing transactions

    ·         TDS reports

    ·         Tax collector at source(TCS)

    ·         basic concepts of TCS

    ·         Configuring tally. ERP 9 for TCS

    ·         Creating ledger

    ·         Entering transactions

    ·         TCS reports


    ·         Configuring tally. ERP 9for service tax

    ·         Creating ledger

    ·         Entering transactions

    ·         Depositing in govt.

    ·         Payment of service tax

    ·         Service tax reports

    ·         EXCISE

    ·         Basic concepts

    ·         Salient features of dealer excise

    ·         Enabling dealer excise in tally . ERP 9

    ·         Creating ledger

    ·         Entering transactions

    ·         Excise reports

    ·         Sales & purchase extract

    ·         Basic concepts of exist duty

    ·         Configuring excise in tally. ERP 9

    ·         Creation of ledger

    ·         Processing transaction after voucher type creation

    ·         Excise reports

    ·         Payroll accounting and compliance

    ·         Configuring payroll in tally. ERP 9

    ·         Creating payroll ledgers(basic pay , hra,conveyance allowance, medical allowance, over time)

    ·         Processing payroll in tally . ERP 9

    ·         Accounting for employer PF contributions

    ·         Accounting for employer ESI contributions

    ·         Payment of professional tax

    ·         Generating payroll reports

    ·         Technological advantages of tally. ERP 9 /transfer data.

    ·         Split company data

    ·         Export and import of data

    ·         ODBC  connectivity

    ·         Printing of reports and  cheques